L A B O R A T O R I O  D I  A R C H I T E T T U R A  E  D E S I G N


Architect,1970, external collaborator.

Scientific studies, university education at the School of Architecture at “La Sapienza” in Rome. During his course of study at University “La Sapienza” of Rome, he received a scholarship for a period of nine months at the Technical University of Athens, to examine issues relating to the architectural restoration and consolidation of buildings. The following year he was awarded by the University of Rome “La Sapienza” a scholarship as a contribution to the development of his thesis. In 1997 he began working in the field of architecture as a designer and project manager. In 2011 he moved to London and then to Milan to work with the company Insignia Richard Ellis as a project manager. In 2002 he moved to Rome and worked for Pirelli RE Project Management Spa. In 2006 he founded the company CdP Re Engineering, of which he is the technical manager and the project manager, responsible for the development of real estate projects and alternative energy.

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